
長文読解チャレンジ!Michael先生の“Relaxing Blog”

Hey all, it's Michael again.

Recently we had this Discussion Matters topic about Meditation.

Now I'm not here to explore and of its religious aspects nor am I trying to recommend any hard and fast solutions with anything.

But today I just want to emphasize the importance of relaxation.

Yes I know it's kind of a big thing to talk about, but relaxing is not just important for our own physical wellbeing but in business as well.

I find that many people somehow like to put unnecessary pressure on themselves. Yes, I understand some of you have deadlines. Some of you have test scores to achieve. Some of you have a million things to do in a day.

But stop and think - does adding more pressure really help you complete anything?

Does hammering in information in your head relentlessly like there's no tomorrow actually help you remember the right things you need for that big test?

Does adding more stress actually get you to your goals faster?

Whatever you think works for you is up to you.

However I want to emphasize more on relaxing in the classroom.

Some people might think that you need to come up with the perfect answer all the time. When asked a question, some people always think the answer has to be the absolute best number one ultimate game changing answer.

But the reality is - there's no such thing. So what ends up happening is that you don't end up answering at all and stay silent.

I just want to suggest - and this is a mild suggestion - is to just relax and give whatever answer comes to mind, even if it is ridiculous (to you).

Chances are, it's not ridiculous at all.

A simple question like - what did you do today? Or what's your favorite movie?

Of course, take the time to think about your answer, depending on how big the question is (some answers do require a bit of contemplating).

But one option is - if you can't think of anything, just say whatever comes to mind, then change your mind later.

(This is one of the techniques in one of the Special Lessons of Contact by the way)

I read somewhere in one of my books - sometimes you just have to make a decision, then if it turns out to be a mistake, just fix it later, rather than not making any decision at all and waiting for the perfect time - because the perfect time never comes.

One phrase I really like - "I don't always make the right decisions. I just make decisions - then I go on to make sure they are right."

Action is most often better than inaction.

So if you are trying to explain something, in English, or answer a question, just relax and don't be shy - sometimes the first thing that comes could be great. And if not, have the courage to fix it and correct yourself after the fact.

That's how you grow. Making mistakes is part of the lesson.

And relaxing helps build the courage to make mistakes.

I want to go into more detail about this in person, so when you can, ask me about it in the lobby.

Remember, there aren't any hard and fast rules to this and this is very dependent on the situation, but for now - try to relax more.

Whichever way you can!

See you next time,




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